Thursday, January 30, 2014

Entry #2: Amygdalla-gedon


Better days, brighter days - that's the mantra. That's the mantra that's helping me to lift my soul out of the drainage ditch it's been in for the past year and a half. Better days, brighter days - I say it over and over again. I repeat it as often as a recovering PTS patient breaths in the words "I am" and blows out the words "here".

For the past year and a half I've been living in limbo without much relief or hope. But things are on the upswing again and I have to put some focus on repairing the wear and tear I feel not only emotionally but in my brain - I need to center and regroup, let frustration and fear take a much needed nap, and get a handle on what needs to be done in order for me to have better days, brighter days. I also need to be clear enough to prepare for the opportunities that have been handed to me recently....can't do that if I'm still running my brain like a cornered wild child or a terrified rabbit on crack.

Without question, the past 20 months or so have been appallingly difficult but I am re-remembering how to relax my tightly wound Amygdalla, calm my Hypothallamus  and  not obsess over anything that isn't (art) work related. I'm also trying not to fret over the amount of damage the past 20 months have done to my little egghead even though my brain feels I'm outside my head and second guessing my every thought. I'm hoping my mantra can help repair the broken bits while I re-remember how to breath deep, let shit go and think: Better days, brighter days.

Amygdalla-gedon aside, over the past 3 or 4 days I've managed to help put together my new website, upload  approx. 150 images, pull together files, documents and photos for my new gallery and restart blogging. All in all not a bad start. Now, let's see what today brings - whatever it is, good or bad, I  I will just keep repeating "better days, brighter days".

To see the new website visit:

If you'd like to review the 2013 Bloggastan meltdown visit:

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